There’s something about the dark that destroys logic. Whenever we are in an area that is even slightly unnerving, our instincts kick in and the alarms will go off in our head. No! Turn back now! This reflex may have served us well thousands of years ago, but nowadays it's just allows us to have a little bit of fun. These tours aren't your local haunted hayrides that rely on jump scares and chainsaws. Instead, these are simple tours that let your very own imagination and the fear it spawns do all of the work.
A Gettysburg Ghost Tour
Fauxto_digitA lone candlelight, a master storyteller, and a setting where an all too real event took place. When you finally retreat to your creaky little Gettysburg B&B later in the night, we wouldn't blame you for accidentally leaving your light on.
Get Lost in Lithuania
James MKNothing like a little hike through the woods with your friends. Birds, trees, laughter, it's wonderful. But as night draws closer you come to realize you're completely lost. And you're in a foreign country. And suddenly this isn't so relaxing anymore. That's the set up behind this tour
offered by Vaiduokliai in Lithuania. It's just a game though! As you and your friends try to find your way back you'll have to finish obstacles and tasks in order to complete your journey. And hey, afterwards you'll probably never leave home without a real flashlight!
Clay GillilandLike with Gettysburg, you're in a place where thousands of lives were irrevocably changed. While the fields of Gettysburg may hide some of it's secret, the buildings of Chernobyl serve as a constant reminder of a city's life abandoned. The buildings are the ghosts here, wailing away at a life ended prematurely.
Explore the Catacombs of Paris
notevenathingEstablished in the early 1800's and "featuring" the remains of over 6 million people, the Catacombs of Paris are definitely a one of a kind destination. You can go wandering around in the dark on your own, or you can go with a guide. I am pretty sure I know which option I would choose.
This Scary Ferris Wheel in India
How about a nice relaxing ferris wheel ride to take in the surrounding Himalayas? Nope. You’ve been on many ferris wheels before, you know they work and that they're safe. But this one seems just a little... off. While it doesn’t totally follow the “different type of adrenaline” theme, it was too good not to share.
Here's the video.
The Nevada Desert
Michael DayI made sure to use a picture that had some traces of human life, just so it'd be obvious it was actually a place on earth. Otherwise, northern Nevada is truly an alien landscape. I suggest a drive through the desert at night. With few places to stop and few signs of life, that check engine life that's always on will suddenly be deeply troubling.
Crystal Caves, Belize
Antti T. NissinenA subterranean landscape many feet below the ground is always going to be creepy. This cave just so happens to have a crystallized skeleton, The Crystal Maiden, and it's chilling story lurking in its pitch-black caverns. Plenty of different tours are available, including a ride through it's waterways on inner tubes. For all the options,
here's what Project Expedition offers through our site.
Happy Halloween!
Title photo via Flickr:
Ray Bodden